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Software Distribution Agreement (Distributor)

  • Answer the following questions to generate your customised document. Your document is provided to you in a Microsoft Word format, allowing you to make changes if you wish.
Distributor Details
*What is the name of Distributor company?
 include Limited
What is the Company's registered office?
*What is the Distributor's business?
e.g. distribution of software to the insurance industry
Supplier Details
*What is the name of Supplier company?
 include Limited
What is the Company's registered office?
*What is the Supplier's business?
e.g. developing algorithmic software programs
Agreement Details
*Is the distributorship non-exclusive, exclusive or sole?
Non-exclusive Exclusive Sole
*What is the geographic area for which the distribution rights are being granted?
e.g New Zealand or Auckland or 15k radius from [suburb] Post Office
*On what date does this agreement start?
*What is the initial period for this distribution agreement?
e.g. 3 years from start date, or 30 June 20__
*If the Distributor wishes to extend the term, prior to expiry of the Term, how many days notice is required to be provided?
 e.g. 10 days or 4 weeks
*Is distribution to the end user contingent upon that user entering into a seperate Licence Agreement?
Yes No
*Will you be attaching a copy of a proposed Software Licence Agreement to this Agreement?
Yes No
Will this licence be between the Supplier and the customer or between the Distributor and the customer?
Supplier Distributor
*Will the Distributor be installing the software for customer licensees?
Yes No
*During the Term, is the Distributor permitted to distribute or sell software that is competitive with or similar in functionality to the Licensed Program?
Yes No
*Is the Supplier permitted to refuse an order only in exceptional circumstances?
Yes No
Set out the type of exceptional circumstances:
e.g. Loss of technical manager or notification of 3rd party IP claim
*Does the Distributor have the right to cancel a placed or accepted order in certain circumstances?
Yes No
In what circumstances will the Distributor be entitled to exercise that right?
*Is the fee for the distributorship to be a royalty or a base fee?
Royalty Base fee
*Is the fee inclusive or exclusive of GST?
inclusive exclusive
If a base fee is payable what is that base rate amount? Include the time frame within which it must be paid.
e.g. $30 within 7 days of receipt of Tax Invoice, or $50 at end of each month/quarter.
*Within how many days of a request by the Distributor will the Supplier issue a Tax Invoice?
 e.g. 21 days
*Within what time frame does the Supplier undertake to deliver after receipt of an order?
 e.g. 7 days
*Does the Distributor wish to permit the Supplier to have access to inspect its books of account and records on reasonable notice and at reasonable times?
Yes No
Intellectual Property
*Is escrow required for the source code?
Yes No
Do the parties agree to enter a seperate Escrow Agreement?
Yes No
What is the name of the Escrow Agent?
*If the Distributor modifies or otherwise deals with the software, will the intellectual property rights in any such modifications vest in the Supplier?
Yes No
Is the Distributor prepared to establish and maintain an IP register of all such copyright material?
Yes No
Is the Distributor prepared to hand over a copy of the IP register with source code and object code on the expiry or termination of the agreement?
Yes No
*If the Distributor creates marketing material/s, will the Distributor or the Supplier own the intellectual property in that material?
Distributor Supplier
*What is the trade name of the software program to which this Agreement relates?
*Is the Distributor providing a marketing plan?
Yes No
*Is the Distributor or the Supplier providing the packaging for the product?
Supplier Distributor
*Will the Distributor keep a database detailing all complaints?
Yes No
Will the Distributor give those complaints details to the Supplier on request?
Yes No
*At the end of the Term, will the Distributor hold the goodwill in the Licensed Program on trust for the Supplier and any new distributor to be appointed?
Yes No
*Is the Distributor permitted to appoint an agent or sub-distributor without the Supplier's consent?
Yes No
*Is the agreement conditional upon the Supplier arranging for a performance guarantee provided in favour of the Distributor?
Yes No
*Is the Supplier warranting that the software being supplied includes all current alterations, enhancements, modifications and upgrades?
Yes No
*Does the software include subsequent modifications, updates, and new releases by the Supplier?
Yes No
*How many days do the parties have to remedy a breach of the agreement after which time the other party will be entitled to terminate?
e.g. 21 days, 30 days, 20 Business days.
*In a termination for convenience clause, how many days/weeks/months notice is required to be given?
 e.g. 21 days
*Is the Distributor required to give an undertaking not to market, distribute or sell competitive software for a period after the end of the agreement?
Yes No
*Is each party giving a non-solicitation undertaking regarding the other party's employees and/or contractors for a period after the end of the agreement?
Yes No
What is the Restraint Period?
*Are there any additional clauses you wish to add to this Agreement?
Yes No
Please enter additional clauses here:
 *Compulsory Field
Additional Clauses
*Enter additional clauses:
*Should an option to extend the Term be included?
Yes No
Is this agreement limited to a single extension of the Term or are ongoing extensions permitted/required?
Single Extension Ongoing Extensions
*What associated materials are being supplied?
If no materials are being supplied insert 'None'
*What is the Distributor's address for delivery?
facsimile number and email if appropriate.
*What is the Distributor's address for service of notices?
facsimile number and email if appropriate.
*What is the Supplier's address for orders?
Include facsimile number and email if appropriate.
*What is the Supplier's address for service of notices?
facsimile number and email if appropriate.