
Customise Document

Notice of Redundancy (Redundancy Letter)

  • Answer the following questions to generate your customised document. Your document is provided to you in a Microsoft Word format, allowing you to make changes if you wish.
Company Details
*What is the name of your Company/Business?
Employee Details
*What is the Name of the Employee who will be receiving this redundancy notice?
*What is the Address of the Employee who will be receiving this redundancy notice?
Redundancy Details
*Has the Employee already been informed of their redundancy?
Yes No
*Will the redundancy take effect immediately or will the Employee be required to work a notice period?
Immediately Notice Period
What date is the Employee's last day
*Do you wish to include details of why the Employee has been made redundant?
Yes No
Enter the terms of the redundancy
 *Compulsory Field
Terms of redundancy
*Enter details and press create for each new term
*What is the name of the Senior person who will be terminating the employee?
*What is the position of the Senior person who will be terminating the employee?